Are you worried about your child’s first days at school? Are you concerned that your child may not be emotionally equipped to handle the big change? Kinesiology offers a really gentle way of balancing the emotional stress for child and parent. Starting school is an emotional time When your child starts school or pre-school,[...]
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aggressive behaviour
aggressive child
alternatives to post traumatic stress
attachment issues in children
biting child
biting cork
bonding in children cork
bonding in children in ireland
bonding kids cork
breath holding in children
car crash recovery
child biting in cork
child biting problems
child bonding issues
controlling behaviour
emotional problems
emotional trauma release
fear in children
feeling anxious after trauma
fidgeting in children
handwriting problems
handwriting problems cork
help with a biting child in cork
help with child handwriting problems
help with post traumatic stress
mental health after car crash
mental health and post traumatic stress
nail biting
nail biting in children
nervous children
nervous habits
nervous habits in adults
nervous habits in children
poor pencil grip
post traumatic stress cork
post traumatic stress in children cork
problems with handwriting
retained reflexes
separation anxiety in kids
therapy for post traumatic stress
thumb sucking
tight pencil grip in child
why is my child biting
worried about biting