Are you worried about your child’s first days at school? Are you concerned that your child may not be emotionally equipped to handle the big change? Kinesiology offers a really gentle way of balancing the emotional stress for child and parent. Starting school is an emotional time When your child starts school or pre-school,[...]
I have successfully worked with many people suffering from post traumatic stress. When you experience a traumatic event like a car crash or an assault, your body switches temporarily into survival mode, in order to do it’s best to protect you. Three deep rooted survival reactions can occur – Flight, Fight and Freeze. Very[...]
Concussion – a brain injury I’ve worked with many clients who have had concussion – either as part of a sport (often rugby) or from accidents like car crashes. They often come to me with emotional issues, such as, irritability, anxiety, rapidly changing moods, or temper outbursts. The person would often say they are ‘not quite themselves’. This[...]
Why is my child biting? Biting in children is very common. Infants will bite as a means of exploring a new object or even their own ability to use their teeth on another person and see the reaction. However some children continue to bite as they leave toddlerhood and at this point one must look[...]
At a certain age, being a hyperactive child is quite normal. Children are designed to run around and play all day. It is an important process in brain development. However, by the time children hit four or five years of age, they should have developed new abilities in concentration and focus, and should be less impulsive. For[...]
Children or adults that are over sensitive to light, are under pressure. A very primitive part of their brain has made an association between a sense of danger and light. It is crucial to understand that they have little or no control over their response to light. Instead it needs to be seen as a[...]
Being over sensitive to noise or sounds can leave you in a constant state of stress. It is important to understand that a person who is over sensitive to noise, has little or no control over their reaction to it. For them, the noise or sound is linked to a sudden fright. Their autonomic nervous system (ANS)[...]
Many children and adults are over sensitive to touch. It is common to be oversensitive to more than one of the five senses of sound, touch, sight, taste and smell. Having touch sensitivity implies that your brain has somehow associated touch with threat. It is important to understand that the child or adult has little or no[...]
To have a fear of new things is very important. It helps us to survive as we grow up. It stops us from taking dangerous risks and makes us approach things with caution. This is a wisdom we have learned as a species, and it has served us well. Sometimes however, our fear of new[...]
As human beings, we have a fear of change built in to our subconscious. It has helped us to survive as a species. It’s our conservative inner voice that wants us to stay safe all the time. Most of us are able to balance that inner voice with the ability to take risks or try[...]