Cork Kinesiology - Grief

Dealing with grief is a hard road. It can be completely and utterly overwhelming and you can feel isolated and alone. From personal experience I understand what it can be like. You can go through a range of emotions including;










What’s the best way to deal with grief?

The truth is that there is no answer to that question. No two people are the same and no one really knows exactly how you are feeling. My opinion is that you have to listen to yourself really carefully and mind yourself. You are especially vulnerable while you are grieving and the most important thing to get is the right kind of support.

Talk to your GP about the support services that may be available in your area. Be as honest as you can be about how you are feeling so that you can get the right help.

The following link to the Hospice foundation’s website provides really good information leaflets to help you to understand and to cope with your grief: Hospice Foundation

How can kinesiology help with grief?

Sometimes the natural process of grieving doesn’t take its course. This can happen when we subconsciously  set up ways to protect us from trauma. But if you feel like you are ready to go through the process, then kinesiology can be helpful to get you started and to help you along.

Gentle and safe acupressure techniques (no needles) allow you to find the block that’s preventing the natural course of the grieving process. It can help you to clear up some of the confusion around the loss and help you to begin to shape a more positive outlook. It can help to release ‘stuck’ emotions and old habits which may hinder your progress.

For more information or to book a consultation, please contact me on:

087 7876361 (Tony),

or email